July 28, 2019

Benjamin Hammerschlag in my heart

Ben Hammerschlag, creator, owner and CEO of Epicurean Wines, would have been 48 years old today, July 28. In his memory, I read to express my love and to place a plaque on the sculpture by artist and his dear friend Monserrat Daubón. I placed The Sower on his vineyard Imprimata in McClaren Vale, South Australia after his death.

The Sower

I wrote and recorded words from my heart for the placement of the plaque on his birthday.

Click the red arrow on "For the Plaque on The Sower" below to hear me read what I wrote. To the right here is The Sower in Monserrat Daubón's studio. Then click the red arrow on the sunset he photographed from his home on the vineyard he found, sowed, created. I haltingly play the hymn on my flute in his memory.

 Below that I show you the apex of Ben's vineyard where he sat in the evening to watch the sunset over the sea that he loved—and where I placed The Sower facing him on that bench where he still sits in my memory.

Below is a photo of the bench and the artistic arc over it that he designed.
It is here on that apex that I held —click the link ↠↠ a memorial you may read and hear and where you may see The Sower facing that bench where he sat and envisioned.

As the second anniversary of my son's death on November 4, 2017 approaches, I have the gift of a video he did in 2008, describing his vision for the elegant wines he made and imported from Australia. Here he is, his bench is below:
Apex of Imprimata, Ben's vineyard

Photo by Ben Hammerschlag

 With love, hope and light,